Energise Your Routine

We often get comfortable and complacent with our daily routines, sometimes the routine is just to survive the workday, and we create unhealthy patterns. Many of us experience fatigue as soon as we wake up, which continues throughout the day. This can lead to a desire just to watch tv and have a glass of wine when we get home, and perhaps indulge in a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning. However, these habits actually decrease our energy levels. The good news is, there are simple ways you can prioritise your health and elevate your overall energy levels. By integrating three easy changes into your routine, you can enhance vitality and improve your energy levels, rather than merely surviving until the end of the day.

1. Go for a walk, and Get Some Sun

It can be tempting to sleep those extra few minutes, but ironically this extra ‘rest’ actually decreases your energy levels. Getting up with the sun and going for a walk not only provides a refreshing burst of physical activity but basking in the morning sunshine can also do wonders for your mood and energy levels. Aim to spend 10-30 minutes soaking up some rays, allowing your body to naturally absorb vitamin D, and boost the serotonin levels in your brain. This not only enhances your energy but also promotes feelings of calmness and positivity throughout the day.

The benefits of a walk extend far beyond just a mood boost. Research has shown that regular walking can accelerate weight loss, improve cardiovascular health, decrease the risk of disease, and even enhance cognitive function. It is such a simple adjustment — one I'm sure a friend or parent has suggested when you complain about feeling under the weather or fatigued. But, it's effective, and, it's free.

2. Fuel Your Body with a Savoury High Protein Breakfast

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and for good reason. But not all breakfasts are created equal when it comes to sustaining energy levels. Instead of reaching for sugary cereals or carb-heavy pastries (or no breakfast at all), opt for a savoury breakfast rich in protein.

Not only does protein help keep your blood sugar levels stable, preventing those mid-morning energy crashes, but it also leaves you feeling fuller and more satisfied for longer. This means fewer cravings and more sustained energy throughout the morning. Foods like nuts, Greek yoghurt, and eggs, packed with protein, fibre, and healthy fats, not only provide essential nutrients but also curb hunger. Sweet and starchy breakfasts may give temporary pleasure through a dopamine release but lead to energy crashes with the spike in glucose.

A savoury breakfast promotes stable glucose levels, resulting in sustained energy throughout the day, making this simple step to prevent fatigue and improve overall energy levels for a productive day.

3. Unplug and Unwind for a Restful Night's Sleep

In today's digital age, it's all too easy to fall into the trap of scrolling through social media late into the night. Yet, this routine can disrupt your sleep quality and drain your overall energy levels. The light from devices increases cortisol levels in your brain which keeps you alert. Switching off from your phone will help you switch off. 

By disconnecting from screens and allowing yourself to unwind in the hours leading up to bedtime, you'll signal to your body that it's time to relax and prepare for sleep. For iPhone users, the Sleep Focus alarm feature can be a helpful tool in establishing this habit. I love making a night time tea, and enjoying a book before bed. Not only does it feel like a calming self-care ritual, it promotes relaxation and sleep.

Round up:

Initiating changes in your daily routine may seem daunting at first. However, by integrating these three simple adjustments—morning walks, protein-rich breakfasts, and a digital detox before bedtime—you can significantly enhance your energy levels and reclaim your vitality. Once you notice the positive effects, and how good it feels, maintaining these practices will become second nature.


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