Should you workout on your period?
When it gets to our time of the month, all we want to do is cuddle up with a hot water bottle in front of a movie, and as much as I recommend you do so, it’s important that you don’t stop all together. Rather than waiting out the cramps, ease them by keeping your body moving gently.
In article below I’ve included my favourite exercises to boost your mood and help to ease cramps when on your period.
Is it Safe to Exercise On Your Period?
Feeling tired and sluggish during your period is expected because our estrogen levels have fallen to their lowest point in our cycle. Couple this with low iron levels at the time of the month, and it’s no wonder you’re feeling tired. This tired feeling may lead many of us to wonder if we should workout during our period?
While overall, it is entirely safe to exercise during your period, the most important thing is to listen to your body and not ignore the signs of rest and recovery.
If you still want to workout during your period, it may be better to take a light form of exercise or a less intense class not to add the sluggish feeling your body may have.
Can exercise relieve period cramps?
Even though you may not think working out during your period is a good idea, research suggests that light to moderate exercise can significantly benefit your mood and help physical pain.
Firstly, exercising can help relieve pain experienced during your period, due to increased blood circulation to your uterus, which can help ease the cramps.
Secondly, exercise can help to boost your mood while on your period by releasing positive endorphins.
Exercises to do on your period
If you exercise on your period, make sure you listen to your body, don’t push yourself to exhaustion, and keep yourself hydrated.
If you’re feeling tired, it may be a sign to opt for a low-intensity activity such as Pilates or Yoga.
Below are some period-friendly exercises you can do while menstruating or just feeling a little low in energy.
Never underestimate the health benefits of walking. Walking is a great form of gentle exercise you can do every day. It can improve blood circulation to your muscles and aid muscle recovery, fast-paced walking can also increase your heart rate, leading to a healthier cardiovascular system. Plus, getting outside in fresh air can help clear your mind and reduce stress.
A relaxing stretch class is a perfect way to de-stress, calm your mind and relieve cramps. Like walking, stretching is a low-impact way to get your heart beating and improve blood circulation to your muscles.
My ‘Stretches for cramp relief’ class is available to everyone in my online studio through my 7-day free trial.
Pilates has many great mind and body benefits. Pilates works with your breath and can help calm your mind and promote positive thoughts - which is great if you feel sluggish or down during your period.
Another benefit of pilates is the activation of your core muscles and pelvic floor, which can help reduce lower back pain and cramps by increasing your blood’s circulation to the lower back area, bringing oxygen and nutrients to your muscles which relieve period cramps and pain.
While it’s safe to do any pilates class if you’re feeling low on energy and suffering from pain, why not try my class on ‘Pilates when menstruating’, which will leave you feeling calmer and revitalised, and can also help to reduce cramps.
Yoga is another low-impact exercise that may help boost your mood and relieve pain during your period. Like pilates, yoga increases our awareness of our breath and involves stretching and activating core muscles.
Another great low-impact exercise for your body is swimming. Swimming is great as it takes the weight off your muscles, and can even help to reduce bloating, thanks to the buoyancy of the water.
Along with all the other exercises mentioned, swimming is great as it releases endorphins which act as your body’s natural painkillers and boosts your mood, something that we often need if we’re feeling low.
If you’re nervous about leaks while swimming on your period, some great brands are creating leak-proof swimwear, including Modibodi’s period-proof bikinis and swimsuits.
Another aerobic activity that is great to try on your period and boost your mood is dancing. Another aerobic activity that is great to try on your period and off is dancing. Research has even shown that dancing lowered the negative side effects of premenstrual disorder (PMD), a condition that causes low mood in the luteal phase (the two weeks leading up to your period).
If you don’t have access to dance classes, you can always try Barre classes with a fun playlist for a mood-boosting dance workout.
What should I wear when working out on my period?
When working out on your period, the most important thing is ensuring you feel comfortable and secure.
Don’t wear anything too tight and restricting, as this can make you feel uncomfortable and may make cramps worse. Instead, choose your favourite leggings and a comfortable t-shirt, something that makes you feel good.
We’ve all been there and had leaks while working out, which is a pain and can ruin our favourite leggings. To get around this, I love Modibodi, a period care brand creating reusable leakproof underwear - perfect for working out on your period. Modibodis underwear is discreet, comfortable, and reusable, which helps save the planet and allows you to feel secure at the same time.
Oh - and they also design period-proof swimwear, so you can swim comfortably on your period!
Want to try my class ‘Pilates for PMS’ for free?
Overall, working out during your period is a great way to boost your mood and can even help to relieve cramps, but listening to your body is the most important thing you can do.
If you want to try my online class 'Pilates for PMS’, I offer a 7-day free trial that includes online live classes and unlimited access to my on-demand library including pilates, Barre, and stretch classes.