Core-Focused Prenatal Workout

Staying active during pregnancy is not only beneficial for your physical health but also for your overall well-being. However, attending group workout classes as a pregnant woman might limit your exercise options, especially when it comes to core exercises. If you're tired of the same old 4-point kneeling exercise, fret not! In this blog post, we're going to jazz up your prenatal workout routine with a range of safe and enjoyable core exercises that you can rock in a group class setting.

Why Mix It Up? The Perks of Diverse Prenatal Core Exercises:

Let's be real; nobody wants to feel like they're stuck in a fitness rut. Adding some spice to your prenatal core workout not only keeps things interesting but also targets different muscles in your core. By mixing it up from the staple 4.kneeling bird dog variations to less say some lateral side work, you'll boost your overall strength, flexibility, and stability, making your pregnancy journey more comfortable and potentially setting you up for a smooth labor. So, let's ditch the monotony and dive into some exciting exercises!

Exercises to Avoid:

Before we jump into the fun stuff, it's essential to know which core exercises to steer clear of during pregnancy. It's generally recommended to stay away from exercises that involve lying flat on your back for an extended period (however if you are working with a professional they may say this is okay for you - every woman is different), as a precaution, I advise you to avoid it for the time being as it can restrict blood flow to your baby. Additionally, movements that place excessive strain on your abdomen or involve twisting motions should also be avoided. Remember to always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise regimen during pregnancy.

Prenatal-Safe Core Exercises for Group Workout Classes:

  1. Forearm leg slides

  2. Hip hinges + heel lifts

  3. Side plank hip lifts

  4. Side plank hip lifts with clam

  5. Kneeling hinges + arms

  6. Hug your baby breathe work

  7. Standing hip hinges

Final Words

Remeber to keep moving, keep smiling and keep embracing the incredible changes happening within you. Cheers to a fit and fabulous pregnancy!

Useful links:

Prenatal-friendly real-time workouts

Back stretches for prenatal women

Find out more about the benefits of Pilates whilst pregnant

Any questions or uncertainties please reach out to Bridget (founder of Kala Pilates) here, I am more than happy to help you!


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