Healthier Holidays 🎄

It's that time of the year again when we gather with family and friends to celebrate, indulge in delicious treats, and enjoy some well-deserved relaxation. While it's important to enjoy, there's no reason you can't maintain your health and wellness during the festive season.

Here are some of my tips to help you have a healthier holiday season without any sacrifices.

  1. Stay Active, Even on the Go

The holiday season often means travelling and being away from your regular gym or fitness studio. Consider signing up for online classes or find on-demand workout videos that you enjoy. This way, you can maintain your exercise routine wherever you are, whenever you have the time. 

2. Choose Natural Wines Over Other Beverages

When it comes to festive beverages, many of us reach for beer or champagne. While those are certainly enjoyable, this year, consider opting for natural wine, like a pet-nat. Natural wines have no added preservatives, which means fewer chemicals in your glass. They are also higher in antioxidants and even contain probiotic bacteria, which can support your gut health. Natural wines tend to have lower sugar levels and tend to give you less of a hangover the next day, which is always a plus! The key here is moderation – enjoy in reasonable quantities to fully appreciate the flavour and health benefits.

3. Get Active with Friends and Family

Spending quality time with loved ones is what the holidays are all about. Why not make these moments active and enjoyable? Instead of sitting around all day, consider going for a nice bushwalk or organizing a game or activity in the backyard, at the beach, or in the park, like a game of cricket. Keep your mind active and creative with card games or games like charades. My go-to lately has been Monopoly Deal.

4. Stay Hydrated

While sipping on cocktails and enjoying a glass of wine is part of the holiday tradition, it's essential to stay hydrated. Alcohol can dehydrate you, so be sure to drink plenty of water to maintain your body's moisture balance. You can even infuse your water with some refreshing slices of citrus or berries for a tasty twist.

5. Maintain a Healthy Sleep Cycle

Try to stick to a regular sleep schedule, even during the holidays. Consistency is key when it comes to getting enough rest, and a well-rested body and mind will help you enjoy the holiday season to the fullest. So, resist the urge to stay up too late and sleep in – your body will thank you for it.

Round Up

The holidays are about joy, togetherness, and celebration. Having a healthier holiday season doesn’t mean missing out on anything, it’s about finding a balance that works for you. By following these simple tips, you can have a healthier and more enjoyable holiday season while still indulging in some of your favourite treats and traditions.


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